Cameron Simpson wrote :
> How about this script:
>       detab ${1+"$@"} \
>       | sed 's|\(<[Aa] [^>]*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]=\([^ 
>>]*\)[^>]*>\)\(.*\)\(</[Aa]>\)|\1\3 [ \2 ]\4|g' \
>       | w3m -dump -T text/html

sed has "case Insensitive" option : 'i', thus you don't need all the
[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff] thing. You can write it this way :
sed 's|\(<A [^>]*HREF=\([^ >]*\)[^>]*>\)\(.*\)\(</A>\)|\1\3 [ \2 ]\4|gi'

(didn't check the rest of the regexp)

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