Hello, I haven't been able yet to use w3m (or any other text browser for that matter) work cleanly as a Mutt pager. I want to read HTML email as text, but with text corresponding to hyperlinks "active" so that clicking it, or with some keystroke, I can open an external browser directly on the underlying URL, like this:
HTML body source: .....<A HREF="http://www.google.com">GOOGLE!</A>..... View in mutt pager: .....GOOGLE!..... and selecting/clicking/highligthing/whatever the GOOGLE! string starts an external browser on www.google.com As already pointed out here, the remaining problem is that w3m is started on the whole message, headers and all, so even if URLs are recognized when pressing ":" the whole thing is quite a mess to read. Any suggestion? I have just discovered the set_pipe_decode options, but am not sure they have anything to do with my problem.... TIA, Marco Fioretti