I seem to have a hard time seeing new mail in my IMAP mailbox. If
the box is currently opened, I frequently have to re-open it to see
if any new mail came in. Is it an option I have set wrong somewhere?

I tried to bind a key shortcut to the imap-fetch-mail function but
it does not work.

I am using 1.3.99 on Solaris 8. Here's the part of the config that
relates to IMAP and stuff:

    set folder = imap://{username}@{imap-server}/Saved
    set spoolfile = imap://{username}@{imap-server}/INBOX
    set imap_user = {username}
    set imap_pass = {pw}
    bind index "A" 'imap-fetch-mail'
    mailboxes !
    mailboxes !/postmaster
    mailboxes !/mms
    mailboxes !/Faxes
    mailboxes !/hostmaser

Any ideas?

Charles Gagnon                   | My views are my views and they
http://unixrealm.com             | do not represent those of anybody
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           | but me.

   If a mime is arrested do they tell him he has the right to
        -- Dennis Miller

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