On Sat, May 11, 2002 15:34:33 at 03:34:33PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote: > > You're missing, that you have to tell w3m to assume text/html > input ('-T text/html'). The example given was not use w3m as a > pager for html mails but as a replacement for urlview to more > easily view URLs within a message. > > Given that, you'll need to different macros: one calling w3m > without arguments to click URLs in text/plain mails; and > another to call w3m with arguments to make it display > text/html. > > Cheers, Rocco.
So, if I understand correctly, I should have macro pager \cw |w3m\n "make urls clickable in plain text email" macro pager \ch |w3m -Ttext/html\n "display formatted HTML with w3m" or not? I will try it in a few hours, must go get the kids now, but any comment/correction in the meantime would be really appreciated! Ciao, Marco Fioretti -- Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. -- Gandhi