* Mike Arrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-05-10 09.34 -0400]:
> Hello Mutters, My switch from Pine to Mutt is going pretty well so
> far.

Glad to hear it!

> I have a few questions that I could use some help with
> though.


> - Let's say I delete all messages in a folder by pressing 'd'.
> Then I go to Undelete them.  I can't seem to figure out how to go
> up to select those deleted messages.  The cursor only highlights
> undeleted messages.  I can use 'U' to undelete via a pattern, but
> I'd rather not have to do that.  Am I missing something?
Well, let's say you've deleted messages 18 through 37,
but want to undelete 24-31. Simply press
which will place "you" on msg 24.
    u for undelete
will undelete #24 and put you on msg #25, u for undelete...

> - Also, is there a way to have mutt open in a file folder other
> than your spoolfile?  My spoolfile isn't my primary mailbox, and
> I'd rather have Mutt open my primary by default. 
    set folder=~/Mail       # directory with all mail folders
    set spoolfile=+INBOX    # the + is shorthand for $folder

That's how I do it.

Martin Karlsson - 0x9C924660

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