On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 09:34:28AM -0400, Mike Arrison wrote:
> Hello Mutters,
>       My switch from Pine to Mutt is going pretty well so far.

 Good, but maybe you should try an editor which supports automatic 
 line wrapping ;-)
> - Let's say I delete all messages in a folder by pressing 'd'.  
> Then I go to Undelete them.  I can't seem to figure out how to 
> go up to select those deleted messages.  The cursor only highlights 
> undeleted messages.  I can use 'U' to undelete via a pattern, but 
> I'd rather not have to do that.  Am I missing something?

 You have to (re-)bind your key settings. I have
 bind index     <left>   previous-entry
 bind index     <right>  next-entry
 in my .muttrc. There is probably a default binding for that, but I
 don't know it, sorry.

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s: a--- C++ UL+++ P+ L+++ E--- W+ N++ o++ K- w-- 
O- M-- V- PS+++ PE-- Y+ PGP++ t--- 5-- X+ R- tv+ b++ DI- D++ 
G++ e h! r y+ 

Attachment: msg27950/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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