On Sat, May 04, 2002 at 10:26:42AM +0200, Michael Tatge stood up and spoke:
> > 
> > Anyway, the question is this: If I am reading a message that was sent to me
> > at nils@domain1 and I hit "Reply", is there some way to tell mutt to
> > automatically use nils@domain1 as the FROM address for the reply?
> set use_from
> set envelope_from
> set realname="Nils Holland"
> set alternates=nils@domain(1|2|3)
> set reverse_name

Yep, with an approch like that, it works. Seems that I'd be a good idea for
me to have another close look at the mutt documentation - the last time I
read through that stuff must have been years ago ;-)



Nils Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ti Systems - http://www.tisys.org
Addicted to computing since 1987
High on FreeBSD since 1996

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