> From what I can currently see, mutt will always take <my local > username>@<hostname I specified in .muttrc> as my FROM address. So - any > ideas if I can easily tell it to set a reply's FROM address from the > context of the message I am replying to, as described above?
I don't think it's possible to do this within the context of the msg you're replying to. You'd have to use the context of where the msg is stored instead - folder-hook. This is something I've been thinking about as well - I don't care where the msg currently is (sorry), what I do care about is how I can set mutt variables depending on the headers of the msg currently viewed. If this is possible I'd like to know how. folder-hook is a bit of a cludge in this situation, and there's no way to ensure it gets it right (the msg might not be filed yet, because the procmail recipe didn't trigger, or because of any other reason). Volker -- Volker Kuhlmann is possibly list0570 with the domain in header http://volker.orcon.net.nz/ Please do not CC list postings to me.