Wow, I must have hit a hot topic here...

Let me summarize a bit.

If work is local, one can fire up a second mutt. I use xmutt, which
essentially contains xterm -e mutt. It still involves more typing than
I'd ideally like, but computing's like that. This method will corrupt
flags in other running mutts, unless one is very careful to exit with x.
(If anyone finds it useful:
  exec xterm -name Vt100 -geometry 80x40 -e \
    mutt -e 'set editor="nedit -columns 72"' "$@" &

If working remotely, the possibilities seem to be:

1) Run a second telnet/ssh/etc and another mutt, disadvantage: even more
typing than above.

2) Use screen. This reduces the effort for the second telnet, but still
requires to run a second mutt. Coud be fast if the second mutt is kept

3) Postpone msg. Ickyick. I asked about *WHILE* composing! :) Quit
editor, postpone, display other msg, back to postponed msg, restart
editor, reposition cursor. Hm.

4) (Ab)Use attach-mail. I find this to be the best contender. The cost
is to quit the editor.

5) Using ctrl-Z to suspend mutt to do other things still requires to
quit the composition editor, and then cranking up a second mutt to
browse folders is not competitive with 4).

None of this is really ideal. I guess significant improvement might
only be possible for the case of using an external graphical editor
which uses its own window; the then blank mutt screen could be put to
better use.

Thanks everyone for the input!


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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