On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 10:08:25AM -0500, David T-G 
> % Screen can, in fact, split a window:
> % 
> % C-a S       (split)       Split the current region into two new ones.
> LIB.  Lookee there.  Cool!  See, I said it R00LZ :-)
> % C-a tab     (focus)       Switch the input focus to the next region.
> % C-a Q       (only)        Delete all regions but the current one.
> % C-a F       (fit)         Resize the window to the current region size.
> % C-a X       (remove)      Kill the current region.
> So now I can split my window into two or more and tab thru them and kill
> them off.  With practice I'm sure I could use copy mode to yank text
> around.  I don't know how to do anything in the new window(s), though.
> Can you give me some pointers, like how to fire up mutt in the new pane?
> I checked the man page and it mentioned how to split but not what to do
> from there...

Use C-a <tab> to move to the new pane.

Then use C-a c to create a new window running a shell in the new pane.

Or you can use C-a " for a list of existing windows and choose one for
the new pane.

BTW, C-a ? gives you the key bindings.

Mark Lindsay

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