Hello, all -- ...and then Alain Bench said... % ... % > According to the manual, gpg has to return an exit value of non zero % > making mutt reporting a bad signature allthough it's good. % % Exactly: Non zero GPG exit code *or* $pgp_good_sign not matching GPG % output, lead Mutt to say "PGP signature could NOT be verified" and the % index "s" to remain lowercase. Zero *and* a match are necessary for Mutt % to announce successfull verification and uppercase the "S".
Thanks to Alain's dedicated digging, we've also figured out the problem for me. I have a number of gpg keyrings, and I want them to be read in the right order -- in particular, I want the "main" ring (pubring.gpg) to show up first in key listings and such, and I want the "catch-all" ring to show up last and to catch all keys. I had keyring pubring.gpg secret-keyring secring.gpg keyring pubring.davidtg-old-keys.gpg secret-keyring secring.davidtg-old-keys.gpg ... keyring pubring.mutt.gpg secret-keyring secring.mutt.gpg ... keyring pubring.catch-all-keys.gpg secret-keyring secring.catch-all-keys.gpg in my options file to attempt to ensure that. [I have the secrings listed because I have secret keys in more than just the default ring file.] It turns out that listing pubring.gpg and secring.gpg, in particular the latter, is a no-no; gpg reads those by default no matter what even if you list other keyrings, so when you list them specifically gpg reads them again -- and the duplication of my primary secret key confuses the trust database and gpg throws an exit code of 2. AFAICT, be it good or bad overall, there is no way to have gpg *not* read the default pubring and secring files; that works for me, though, because it also seems to read them first (instead of, say, last). The answer for me is simply to comment out those lines and voila! I have verified messages and 'S' in my index display. Now to get back to our regularly scheduled debugging (of *mutt*, I mean). :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/ Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
Description: PGP signature