On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 06:12:06PM -0600, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> Alas! Jussi Ekholm spake thus:
> > >     display-hook ~A                                      'set pager=builtin'
> > >     display-hook '~s "\\[Slashdot\\] Daily Headlines"' 'set pager=w3m'
> > >     display-hook '~s "YOUR LINUX TODAY NEWSLETTER"'    'set pager=w3m'
> > 
> > Any ideas why Mutt is telling me, that display-hook is an unknown
> > command (or something to that sort)? I'm using 1.5.0.CVS, and your
> > way to handle URL's seemed very nice and I'd really like to take
> > advantage of this in case of Freshmeat's newsletters...
> I've never heard of a display hook, and it's not in the manual.
> I think he meant "message-hook".

I meant display-hook.  However, I think display-hook was renamed
message-hook during 1.3.x development.  I don't know if the behavior
stayed the same.  I am still using patch-1.2.bj.display-hook.2 applied
to mutt-1.2.5i.


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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