On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 02:30:57PM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote:

> I was wondering if anybody knows of a way to get urlview to show some
> context along with the URLs it presents. For example, some newsletters
> come littered with URLs, and especially when they reference mailing list
> archives, they get hard to deal with. For example, something like:

> I wish urlview had a mode in which it would display its entire input on
> the output, with selectable URLs, instead of just the list of selectable
> URLs. Better still would be another option that would work like grep's
> -C (or 3 options, and follow the example of grep's -A and -B as well).
> (I'm talking about GNU grep, in case the context options aren't the same
> on all greps.)

I use w3m instead of urlview for this.  It can identify URLs in plain
text and mark them as links.  (The ':' command does this.)  You can then
follow the links using w3m as the browser or invoke an eternal browser

In fact, I have mutt configured to use w3m as the pager for those
newsletters I receive that commonly contain URLs.

    display-hook ~A                                    'set pager=builtin'
    display-hook '~s "\\[Slashdot\\] Daily Headlines"' 'set pager=w3m'
    display-hook '~s "YOUR LINUX TODAY NEWSLETTER"'    'set pager=w3m'


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |

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