Willy --

...and then Willy Sutrisno said...
% * David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
% > % Yesterday I was playing with my procmailrc, and spambouncer. Since then, I can
% > 
% > Were you playing with mutt, too, by chance?  Did you compile and install
% > a new version?
% I dont think so. I never touch muttrc, neither do I compile it again. I just


% play with my procmailrc, coz I just starting to use spambouncer.


% > This looks fine.  I expect that 
% > 
% >   ls -lFd /var/spool/mail
% I did that, the result is:
% $ ls -lFd /var/mail/
% drwxrwsr-x    2 root     mail         4096 May  2 00:00 /var/mail/

Yep; that's all in order.

% >   ls -lF `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock`
% I did that:
% $ ls -lF `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock`                                        
% -rwxr-xr-x    1 root   staff  1296865 Apr 21 13:41 /usr/local/bin/mutt*
% -rwxr-xr-x    1 root   mail     30606 Apr 21 13:41 /usr/local/bin/mutt_dotlock*

Aha!  While mutt_dotlock is group mail, it does not have the sgid bit
set, so it gets run as the calling user.  You need root to

  chmod g+s /usr/local/bin/mutt_dotlock

in order to lock spool files under /var/spool/mail (or, it seems from
your ls above, /var/mail).

% >   mutt -v | grep DOT
% And for that:
% $ mutt -v | grep DOT
% I do not understand all these. I believe there is nothing wrong with my folder.

This simply notes that mutt does not expect to look in your home
directory for spool files, expects to have the SGID bit enabled on its
locking program, expects to use dotlocking, and expects to find a
standalong dotlocking program.  Everything here is in order, too.

% Is it because spambouncer do something to my mailbox?

Nope.  It's a mutt_dotlock permissions problem, as I suspected.

% thanks you

You're welcome!

% -- 
% Willy 
% [ http://web.singnet.com.sg/~sutrisno ]
% Linux User #225035 - http://counter.li.org

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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