* David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> % Yesterday I was playing with my procmailrc, and spambouncer. Since then, I can
> Were you playing with mutt, too, by chance?  Did you compile and install
> a new version?
I dont think so. I never touch muttrc, neither do I compile it again. I just
play with my procmailrc, coz I just starting to use spambouncer.

> This looks fine.  I expect that 
>   ls -lFd /var/spool/mail
I did that, the result is:
$ ls -lFd /var/mail/
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     mail         4096 May  2 00:00 /var/mail/

>   ls -lF `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock`
I did that:
$ ls -lF `which mutt` `which mutt_dotlock`                                        
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root   staff  1296865 Apr 21 13:41 /usr/local/bin/mutt*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root   mail     30606 Apr 21 13:41 /usr/local/bin/mutt_dotlock*

>   mutt -v | grep DOT
And for that:
$ mutt -v | grep DOT

I do not understand all these. I believe there is nothing wrong with my folder.
Is it because spambouncer do something to my mailbox?

thanks you

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