Hi! I'd like to replace Pine with Mutt as my MUA (as well as sendmail with Postfix).
On the freshmeat I have seen a script pine2mutt to convert my Pine addressbook. On the Google there are several posts regarding how to achieve Pine's Roles in Mutt. Can anybody advice me what is the best approach? If I have e.g. 3 roles with localhost names: role1, role2 and role3. For this purpose on my ISP I have 3 different email addresses: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'd like when I compose mail in mutt as rolex, that I have From: header set as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recently I noticed that my present sendmail+Pine configuration has some problems - some emails are not reaching its destination, and my guess is that it's because the emails are rejected by some spam blockers since my Sender: header points on my localhost account and is different than From: & Reply-to: headers. Is it the job of Postfix or Mutt can also put Sender: header? I just saw some post regards. Pls, excuse me for newbie questions. I'm not expecting complete solution (although I won't eject it :-) but some tips on right direction only. Sincerely, Gour