* Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-18 19:43]:
> »Sven Guckes« sagte am 2002-04-18 um 21:13:57 +0200 :
> > * Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-18 17:57]:
> > > Subject: Re: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=DCberpr=FCfun?=
> > >         =?iso-8859-1?Q?g?= von E-Mail Adressen?
> > > User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.28i
> > i suppose the mail user agent decided
> > to split the rest onto the next line.
> Well, but why did mutt do this?  Even with the g, the line would have
> been shorter than 75 characters, and thus would still comply to RfC.
> Or does the RfC require the next line to start with a QP "header"?

beats me. do you have some more examples for which this happens?
does mutt do the splitting of lines when the line is shorter?

try these:
 Subject: Überprüfung von E-Mail Adressen?
 Subject: Überprüfung von E-MailAdressen
 Subject: Überprüfung von EMailAdressen
 Subject: Überprüfung von MailAdressen
 Subject: Überprüfung von Adressen

what happens now?

> > tell the programmers of that mail client then!
> Uhm, that's the *mutt*-users list, isn't it?  ;)
> Or are you saying I should post this to mutt-dev?



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