in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote David Champion thusly...
> * On 2002.04.18, in <20020418175408.GA2222@watcher>,
> *     "keeper1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a pop3 mail account. I currently use fetchmail with mutt. Is pop3
> > support built into mutt? Which is better to use with mutt, fetchmail or
> > the pop3 support? I also use procmail. Any hints will be greatly
> > appreciated.
> But I have a few POP accounts that I'd rather leave there, and not mix
> in with my local mailbox. For those, I use mutt's POP support:
>       mutt -f pop:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

just so that there is no misunderstanding for the uninitiated ...
fetchmail can fetch & leave mail on the server as easily -- ok
almost as easily -- as it can fetch & delete mail.  rtfm for

> I can browse it as if it's a regular mailbox that way.

if one needs that functionality, sure, use mutt instead.

  - parv


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