i know this is not the right list for this, but i can't seem to get any help from the 
fetchmail-friends list.  i have been running fetchmail for a while now, but just 
recently it has been locking up every time.  when i run fetchmail -v -v here is what i 

fetchmail: 5.2.7 querying pop.mindspring.com (protocol POP3) at Tue, 08 Feb 2000 
15:18:25 -0500 (EST)
fetchmail: POP3< +OK [EMAIL PROTECTED] ready.
fetchmail: POP3> USER md-irwin
fetchmail: POP3< +OK
fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
fetchmail: POP3< +OK md-irwin has 9 messages (23335 octets).
fetchmail: selecting or re-polling default folder
fetchmail: POP3> STAT
fetchmail: POP3< +OK 9 23335
9 messages for md-irwin at pop.mindspring.com (23335 octets).
fetchmail: POP3> LIST
fetchmail: POP3< +OK 9 messages (23335 octets)
fetchmail: POP3< 1 2619
fetchmail: POP3< 2 2172
fetchmail: POP3< 3 3150
fetchmail: POP3< 4 3745
fetchmail: POP3< 5 2453
fetchmail: POP3< 6 3048
fetchmail: POP3< 7 2106
fetchmail: POP3< 8 2364
fetchmail: POP3< 9 1678
fetchmail: POP3< .
fetchmail: POP3> RETR 1
fetchmail: POP3< +OK 2619 octets
reading message 1 of 9 (2619 octets)
About to rewrite Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rewritten version is Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

About to rewrite Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
Rewritten version is Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;

About to rewrite From: "Bruce Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Rewritten version is From: "Bruce Bauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

About to rewrite To: "Michael J. McGillick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Rewritten version is To: "Michael J. McGillick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

About to rewrite Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rewritten version is Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

About to rewrite Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rewritten version is Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

About to rewrite Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rewritten version is Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

fetchmail: terminated with signal 15
fetchmail: Deleting fetchids file.

and then it just hangs there, goes no further, until i kill it.  does anybody have any 
suggestions?  it would be very much appreciated.

mike irwin-------------

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