David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> % > Let's see if you can define any macros at all.  What if you change the
> % > key from <f1> to ,m or some such; does it show up then?
> % 
> % ok. With f1 or F1 the macro didn't work, but with ,m yes! I see a
> % message 'Shell command: less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt' and when
> % hit enter, the manual appear.
> Quite interesting.  And did you define your ,m macro with a \n at the
> end, or do we *expect* that you'd have to hit return?

i forgot to append \n.

> Are you coming through a network connection or are you right on the box
> where mutt is running?  

i'm not right on the mutt box. I'm connected through ssh using PuTTY

What is your $TERM? 


> Have you checked to see how it would pass a keypress of f1 outside of mutt?
> What if you
>   echo ^V<f1> | cat -v

^[[11~  (hmmm)

Eduardo Gargiulo

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