* Shawn McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [04-04-02 08:22]:
> begin  quoting what Sven Guckes said on Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 01:39:43AM +0200:
> > 
> > feature request denied.
> > 
> >   macro index c <change-folder>!
> That breaks "? for list" functionality.  It would be better to assign
> it to another key:
> macro index I "<change-folder>!\r"
> Then get used to using "I" when you want it.

The request was:
     Feature request.  It would be nice and timesaving (for me, at least) if
     <change-folder> would default to ! when where was not a folder
     containing New Mail.

Neither suggestion satisfies the request... for a default action, a
suggested destination when no folder containing New Mail was available.

Patrick Shanahan               Registered Linux User #207535
                        Registered at: http://counter.li.org

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