Thanks, but I don't see how those two variables help.

My goal is to save a outgoing message to the same folder that 
I am currently reading from (i.e., one of those "=local", "=ebase", etc)
*Not* based on the address I am sending to.


On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 02:57:44PM -0500, darren chamberlain wrote:
> * Jun Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-03 14:55]:
> > I have multiple mailbox folders.  I want to save a copy of outgoing 
> > message in the current mbox folder.  Pretty reasonable enough.
> > 
> > The following solution seems to work:
> [-- snip --]
>   6.3.51.  force_name
>   Type: boolean
>   Default: no
>   This variable is similar to ````$save_name'''', except that Mutt will
>   store a copy of your outgoing message by the username of the address
>   you are sending to even if that mailbox does not exist.
>   Also see the ````$record'''' variable.
> ...
>   6.3.189.  save_name
>   Type: boolean
>   Default: no
>   This variable controls how copies of outgoing messages are saved.
>   When set, a check is made to see if a mailbox specified by the
>   recipient address exists (this is done by searching for a mailbox in
>   the ````$folder'''' directory with the username part of the recipient
>   address).  If the mailbox exists, the outgoing message will be saved
>   to that mailbox, otherwise the message is saved to the ````$record''''
>   mailbox.
>   Also see the ````$force_name'''' variable.
> (darren)
> -- 
> Those who learn from history are doomed to have it repeated to
> them anyway.
>     -- Larry Wall

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