Jen --

...and then jennyw said...
% On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 11:47:26AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then jennyw said...
% > % 
% > % Thanks to everyone for the help!
% > 
% > That's why we're here :-)
% That's good to know!


% > in the right context, though; when reading a message you're in the pager
% > and you will get pager help -- where <limit> is not available and thus
% > where l is not shown.
% When I hit ? when it's listing all the messages, it doesn't show l for 

Hmmm...  That certainly sounds like the index.  Does your help screen
look like

  Help for index                                                     -- (32%)
  ^B          macro                  |urlview\n
  ^D          delete-thread          delete all messages in thread
  ^E          edit-type              edit attachment content type
  ^F          forget-passphrase      wipe PGP passphrase from memory
  <Tab>       next-new               jump to the next new message

or perhaps instead like

  Help for pager                                                     -- (42%)
  ^B          macro                  |urlview\n
  ^D          half-down              scroll down 1/2 page
  ^E          edit-type              edit attachment content type
  ^F          forget-passphrase      wipe PGP passphrase from memory
  <Tab>       next-new               jump to the next new message

or such?

Assuming you really do have "help for index" shown, you should see
something like

  Help for index                                                         -- (32%)
  ^B          macro                  |urlview\n
  ^D          delete-thread          delete all messages in thread
  <Esc>k      mail-key               mail a PGP public key
  <Esc>l      show-limit             show currently active limit pattern
  <Esc>n      next-subthread         jump to the next subthread
  K           previous-entry         move to the previous entry
  L           bottom-page            move to the bottom of the page
  N           toggle-new             toggle a message's 'new' flag
  k           previous-undeleted     move to the previous undeleted message
  l           limit                  show only messages matching a pattern
  m           mail                   compose a new mail message

and be able to type


within the help screen and see any occurrences of "limit" highlighted.

% limit. It does show the key binding for showing the active limit, though. 
% Do I just have a weird version?  I'm using the one that's packaged for 
% Debian.

Well, although I don't particularly trust packaged versions, I doubt that
that's the issue.

If you really go through all of the steps above and you really are in the
index help and it really isn't there, then show us the results of running

  mutt -v


  grep limit .mutt{,/mutt}rc
  grep limit /dev/null `mutt -v | grep SYSCONF | awk -F\" '{print $2}'`/Muttrc

from your shell prompt so that we can dig into this a bit (I wondered
if I was going to be able to get that last one on a single line! :-)

% Thanks!


% Jen

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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