have you tried using / with ~t? / ~t [EMAIL PROTECTED] should key on mail 'To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'. -tim On Tue, 02 Apr 2002, jennyw wrote: > I was just wondering how I would search for someone I sent a message to. > Using / doesn't help -- that only seems to search subject and from:. > > Also, is there documentation somewhere on searching? I tried hitting help > in mutt, but it doesn't even show that / is a key to hit for searching. > > Thanks! > > Jen -- "He's God. He's flighty. First it's a garden, then there's apples, but you can't EAT the apples, and there's a man and a women, but they can't bump uglies, and then, ah the hell with it, it's cities and smog and wars and shit and he's off resting on the seventh day anyway." --Jeff