Quoting David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Mar 21, 2002 13:15]:
> * On 2002.03.20, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> *     "Rocco Rutte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > There's only one thing I really miss: I'd like to be abled to
> > define my own commands. Something like:
> > 
> >      define <my-command-1> '<mutt-command-1><mutt-command-2><enter>'
> >      define <my-command-2> '<mutt-command-1><my-command-1><mutt-command-3><enter>'
> This is why my muttrc looks like this:
>       source "~/.mutt/muttrc.sh|"
> muttrc.sh is a small script to set up an m4 pipeline. I define
> a lot of things -- not just commands, but particular pattern
> sequences, conditional variables, and so on.

Very cool; can you post this, or is it already available for
perusal somewhere?  I'd really like to see what you're doing...


...if we judge something by how badly it is misused, well, hell
would be perl, right?
    -- dancer (http://www.advogato.org/person/dancer/)

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