* Jeremy Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-20 19:01:28 -0600]:
>On Mar 18, John Buttery [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>> * "Carl B. Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-18 08:43:58 -0800]:
>> >all I get at this page is the following:
>> >
>> >
>> >that is displayed in NS 6.2.1 (solaris).
>>   You have a proxy server that is "defanging" tags for you (to protect
>> from malicious META headers, Javascript, yadda yadda).  You need to
>> remove the "DEFANGED_" so it just says "...<META ..." and it will
>> redirect properly.
>>   Or you could just hit that URL it lists there directly and skip the
>> redirection altogether.  :)
>The version of Carl's mail that I saw did not have the defanged prefix.
>Are you sure your proxy isn't doing this for you in his incoming mail?

  You know, that's an outstanding point.  Anyone else care to comment?
Although, even one instance proves the point (unless Jeremy has a rogue
"DEFANGED_*-removing proxy on _his_ end :)).

  OK, so please disregard my previous post about HTML defanging possibly
being the problem.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Buttery)
Yes, I broke my sig rotation script, leave me alone! :p

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