Thomas Hurst said:
> > > >URL="";></HEAD>

> > Really, is there some content that could be seen as "malicious" in
> > this page?

> Yes.  The 0 means the refresh is instantanious, which breaks the back
> button on most browsers.

> This is why HTTP supports redirection; meta refresh is a lame-ass hack,
> and should be avoided, especially in these circumstances.

Yes, indeed. But on this page, there are only _two_ META tags:
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <meta name="author" content="Cedric Duval">

The first is required for valid html, and the second... well, while
certainly useless, I don't think it will do much harm.

If you see a meta refresh somewhere, it does not originate from my code,
but from _your_ proxy.


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