On Tue, Mar 19, 2002 at 10:27:25PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have signed this message with a bogus key, so you can see what happens.
> My real key is available on www.keyserver.net.

Hmm, it doesn't appear to shout, since the key IDs don't match.  I guess if
I were to create a key with an identical ID, and use that to sign the
message, it would shout louder.

So basically, if it says that it couldn't verify the key because it couldn't
find it, then if you know that you *do* have the sender's public key (and
that it's up-to-date), then something dodgy is going on.  Otherwise, it
could just be that you don't have the sender's (up-to-date) public key.


David Smith            Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
STMicroelectronics     Home Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bristol, England

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