On Sat, Mar 16, 2002 at 02:03:42PM +0900, Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> Because windows doesn't have an install script that works properly, you
> may be wondering how to get stuff to work without it.
I have found that the binary package from www.python.org has a very
good install script, but I can post some explicite info if you want.

> This is easily done with environmental variables. Set BTTC_ROOT_DIR to
> the root dir of whichever source you are using. If you have a CVS
> checkout, set it to the root of that. If you have a downloaded copy, set
> it to where the files were unzipped.
> This will allow you to run the "bmed", "ved", and "bttc" scripts in the
> bin directory.
> (AS a sidenote, I heard that windows has a problem with the scripts not
> having a .py ending. Any solutions, anyone? I'll do a little research
> myself.)

If you run python explicitly with the script, then you can get away with
not having a .py extension. (e.g. c:\python21\python script) You may be
better off just adding the extension and associating it to python.

> If you want to run the scripts individually, you'll need to set
> PYTHONPATH to the lib directory of whatever you are using. This will let
> you run a script like lib/battlemech/design.py.

Win32 Python by default gets it's PYTHONPATH from the registry. Using a
PYTHONPATH environment variable will work, though.

David Rock

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