Because windows doesn't have an install script that works properly, you may be wondering how to get stuff to work without it.
This is easily done with environmental variables. Set BTTC_ROOT_DIR to the root dir of whichever source you are using. If you have a CVS checkout, set it to the root of that. If you have a downloaded copy, set it to where the files were unzipped. This will allow you to run the "bmed", "ved", and "bttc" scripts in the bin directory. (AS a sidenote, I heard that windows has a problem with the scripts not having a .py ending. Any solutions, anyone? I'll do a little research myself.) If you want to run the scripts individually, you'll need to set PYTHONPATH to the lib directory of whatever you are using. This will let you run a script like lib/battlemech/ If anyone has anything to add to this, let me know. Jonathan