On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 02:32:08PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Well, you could always dump the mush client now that you have mutt ;-)

Why would I do that? :)

Also, I've been using mutt for quite a few years.  It's only just now that
I'd grown weary enough of the (I thought) broken new mail detection in mutt to
complain about it. ;)

> Since you'll lose mutt's new-mail-detection feature anyway, you might as
> well either let all of your apps check for you or look at starting off
> such an app, like newmail, when you log in and before you connect to
> screen so that whatever window is active will get the notification.

The only problem with this is that if I let other apps do it, then my status
line in mutt won't be accurate, and mutt won't offer ~/Mailbox as an option to
change to when I hit 'c'.  I find that much more annoying than having to pop
over to mutt from time to time.

OT: I love screen.

- Myrddin
 ICQ: 22404528                   Why Vegan?   http://www.firstmagic.com/vegan

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