Myrddin ---

...and then J. Scott Dorr said...
% On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 09:09:55AM +0000, Simon White wrote:
% > 
% > Why do you need more than one app to check for new mail? Pick one that does
% Because most of the time, I'm ssh'd to home from work.  I attach to a running
% screen session that has (among others) 3 different 'windows' that I am almost
% constantly in (tf (a mush client), epic (an irc client), and mutt) and all
% three of those apps can check to see when new mail comes in.

Well, you could always dump the mush client now that you have mutt ;-)

% It would be nice if it didn't matter which window I was in, and the app in
% new mail check which means I have to periodically jump over to mutt to see
% if/when I get new mail.  Not a major deal, but something that it seems I
% shouldn't -have- to do.

Theoretically, yes; it should all work together and it shouldn't matter
where you are.  Practically, it ain't quite that way.

Since you'll lose mutt's new-mail-detection feature anyway, you might as
well either let all of your apps check for you or look at starting off
such an app, like newmail, when you log in and before you connect to
screen so that whatever window is active will get the notification.
Since I never change folders but instead kick off new screens windows
this works for me :-)

% > Mutt already has a beep_new function you can use for an audible new mail
% > warning. 
% Doesn't do me much good given how I access it most of the time. ;)

I quite understand :-)  I always have a screen running and I have mutt
windows as well as shell windows in my standard screenrc file.

% > So it may be OK to use multiple utilities as long as they behave.
% I agree.  But empirical evidence suggests that quite a few don't.

Also agreed.

% - Myrddin
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%  ICQ: 22404528                   Why Vegan?
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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