* Philip Mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-02-22 01:41]:
> How does pine do it, anyway? pine wraps paragraphs in
> replies fine.  They seem to have some heuristic or
> something that does the right thing almost all the time...

Pine people use pico and its "justify" command (bound to CTRL-J).
You can have this in Vim, too, using these mapping in the setup:

" Formatting the current paragraph according to
" the current 'textwidth' with ^J (control-j):
" imap <C-J> <C-O>gqap  " too dangerous for my editing ;-)
  nmap <C-J>      gqap
  vmap <C-J>      gq

This, and more, is in my setup files - take a look!  (see sig)

PS: Vim preserves quoting levels - when configured appropriately.


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Sven's commented setup files for Vim:
http://www.vim.org/gvimrc           personal   setup file for     GUI Vim
http://www.vim.org/vimrc            personal   setup file for non-GUI Vim
http://www.vim.org/vimrc.forall                setup file for everyone
http://www.vim.org/vimrc.forall.gz  compressed setup file for everyone
Lots of commented options and mappings for everyday editing.

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