Philip Mak wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 01:20:03PM -0500, David Collantes wrote:
> > It is not up to Mutt, but the editor you are using. I believe 'vi'
> > will allow you to do that, but 'nano' or 'pico' will not.
> I would have thought that mutt would be able to wrap the lines before
> passing the message to 'vi'.
well the issue is that mutt might very well do it wrong, or wrap
something that shouldn't be wrapped (see below).

> I suppose I could code some sort of startup code in 'vi' to find and
> wrap long lines, but how would I make it only trigger when 'vi' is
> being started on composing a new reply (and not any other time, e.g.
> editing an existing message)?

call vi with an option to do this (ie set editor="vim +'blah'......".

the problem is, that if you have stuff like this:

        blah blah blah
        $ ls /foo/bar
        $ cd blah

it will get reformatted like this: 

        blah blah blah $ ls /foo/bar $ cd blah

ie sometimes you WANT to avoid wrapping everything in a reply.  i have
'Q' mapped to 'gqip' in vim, so i just use that. in vi, use 'par' or
'fmt'.  i usually find it better to wrap as i go.

you can also ask your friends / relatives / co-workers to wrap their
lines.  this is bound to make you VERY popular with them!!

William Yardley
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