* On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 12:53:57AM +0100, * Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > »Nicolas Rachinsky« sagte am 2002-03-11 um 00:31:44 +0100 : > > If the above order is the same in your muttrc it is expected to fail. > > IIRC you have to set folder=~/Maildir first and are afterwards allowed > > The order is different. I first set folder and then source > ~/.mutt/files, and ~/.mutt/files contains nothing but the mailboxes > command. > > > to use =. And AFAIK you should use only = or +. > > As mentioned, also just = does not work.
What does <change-folder>?<tab> show? Somebody asked this question before, but you said <change-folder>=<tab> shows what you want, but the later just shows the contents of your folder while the former should show the mailboxes list. Nicolas