On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 08:22:23PM +0000, Jim Quigley wrote:
> notebook .. RedHat or SuSE .. pcmcia modem .. sendmail-8.11.6-3 ..
> when I try to send large attachments around 40 KB and over ..
> I get error messages, and the connection freezes. 

> Mutt sends the mail to mqueue 

not exactly.  mutt does not queue any mail. It just feeds your
postings to a local sendmail process, which may decide to store it
or send it through your IP stack.

> Could it be a problem with 'wvdial.conf' or some other configuation
> file, limiting the size of message I can send?

Sounds like you're having a general problem with your IP stack and ppp
configuration in particular.  So this is not a sendmail or mutt issue.

Try reducing the mtu-value in /etc/ppp/options .  You might also want
to put in some hayes commands to turn off hardware data compression,
which may be broken on your card. If the problem persists, have a look
at http://sdb.suse.com/

> Is this a problem with linux

...on your box: yes.
In general, sending huge files works fine with linux.

Johannes Franken
Professional unix/network development

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