Problems sending large attachments?

I have a P111 notebook with over 300MB memory and pcmcia modem running on 
Redhat 7.2.  I use Kmail 1.3.2
on KDE 2.2.2-1 and have been trying Mutt 1.3.25i out.  I have used 
sendmail-8.11.6-3 and have configured 
Kmail and mutt to use this

I can send emails with small attachments, receive emails even with large 
attachments but when I try to send large
attachments around 40 KB and over using either ./sendmail -v -q or Kmail's 
smtp server, I get error messages, and the connection freezes.   Mutt sends 
the mail to mqueue and when I use sendmail -q the connection stalls.

This has happened with different desktops, different distros i.e. Redhat and 
SuSE 7.3.  I have no problem when I 
use Windows, so it is not the ISP.  Could it be a problem with 'wvdial.conf' 
or some other configuation file, limiting 
the size of message I can send?  I have spent alot of time searching for 
answers and using different
configuration of sendmail but unfortunately without joy.  

Is this a problem with linux,  I need to send large attachments sometimes 
from home to work.  Do I need to keep Windows installed?


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