At 22:02 -0500 28 Feb 2002, Andrew Pimlott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have quote_regexp set in my .muttrc: > > set quote_regexp="^[[:blank:]]*([[:alnum:]]{0,10}>|[]|:}#);+]|-> )" > > This should match (among other things) any line with a leading ">". > The attached message has several such lines, but none of them appear > highlighted when I view the message. Also, the toggle-quoted and > skip-quoted commands don't work on this message. However if I > search ("/") for that regexp, the leading ">"s are found, as > expected.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed quote_regexp is ignored for format=flowed messages since RFC 2646, which describes that format, mandates that only ">" characters at the very beginning of a line are to be considered quote characters. In the message you attached, the lines that mutt displayed as starting with a ">" actually started with " >", the sending mailer space-stuffed those lines to indicate that they shouldn't be treated as quoted. In other words it's a (common) bug in the program that sent the message, mutt is correctly following the format=flowed standard. You could possibly work around this with a procmail rule: :0 * ^Content-type:[ ]*text/plain[ ]*;.*format=flowed * -5^0 * 1^1 B ?? ^ +> { CT=`formail -zcxContent-type: | sed -e 's/;[ ]*format=flowed//'` :0fhw | formail -I"Content-type: $CT" } That will remove the claim of RFC 2646 compliance for any message that has more than 5 lines that start with some spaces followed by a ">". This should work OK, since format=flowed was designed to degrade gracefully. -- Aaron Schrab [EMAIL PROTECTED] When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they don't.