[26.02.02 12:11 +0100] Louis-David Mitterrand <-- : > On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 07:43:58PM +0100, Erika Pacholleck wrote: > > [25.02.02 15:39 +0100] Louis-David Mitterrand <-- : > > > This small-specialized-tools-are-better-than-monolithic-apps argument > > > keeps coming back like a mantra. It's so tired now as to seem almost > > > pre-recorded. (Where do you guys get that propaganda anyway?) > > > > This kind of propaganda is unwillingly spread by *all* those products > > which try to put all-in-one. The more it is in, the more you loose if > > a single component does not work. > > Oh? Will you fare any better if a _separately_ misonfigured procmail, > fetchmail or postfix starts eating your mail _separately_? Guess what, > if one, only one, of your dear small components start loosing mail the > next small component will never see it anyway ;-)
I am confident I would be able to misconfigure any of those one-in-all so that they loose your mail, too. But that's not what I ment. If your one-in-all-idiot-secure-configurable application hits only one bad block, you are lost. I just get ppp, fetchmail and vim running and that's it. > > > The keyword with mutt is integration: imap and pop are integrated with > > > mutt becauses it makes sense to _browse_ remote imap or pop folders (yes > > > mutt can do that with pop) and save stuff to remote imap folders (try that > > > with fetchmail). > > > > This is a very personal statement. For myself it is economical > > nonsense to waste a lot of money for online browsing if I can > > save the short download on my free disk space (try paying your > > bill from an empty bank account). > > It makes a lot of sense to _leave_ your mail on a server you trust and > that has a real backup policy. My mail archive is too valuable to keep > on a workstation, be it a laptop or a PeeCee. The point is the *remote* which for me as a private person with only a standalone machine and modem dialup is my ISP. This means, if I leave all my mail there, during browsing and reading I am online - the whole time, and this costs me a damned lot of money. So why the hell should I do it. Download is just a few minutes. And, generally, I only trust my own machine. Valuable data don't belong onto the machine you trust but the one you control (that's why). -- Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mutters: insert vowels of last name