[25.02.02 15:39 +0100] Louis-David Mitterrand <-- : > This small-specialized-tools-are-better-than-monolithic-apps argument > keeps coming back like a mantra. It's so tired now as to seem almost > pre-recorded. (Where do you guys get that propaganda anyway?) This kind of propaganda is unwillingly spread by *all* those products which try to put all-in-one. The more it is in, the more you loose if a single component does not work.
> The keyword with mutt is integration: imap and pop are integrated with > mutt becauses it makes sense to _browse_ remote imap or pop folders (yes > mutt can do that with pop) and save stuff to remote imap folders (try that > with fetchmail). This is a very personal statement. For myself it is economical nonsense to waste a lot of money for online browsing if I can save the short download on my free disk space (try paying your bill from an empty bank account). -- Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mutters: insert vowels of last name