On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 10:27:40PM -0600, Peter Horst wrote:
> Can the vvv.nntp package be used with a local spool, ? la
> slrn/slrnpull?  I just patched 1.3.25i with it, and it's great,
> but it would be better without the slow Internet article checking,
> etc.

You're farther along them me.  This is the first time I've needed to
use the patch program.  I think, for vvv.nntp, I must turn the top
of the textfile into a little script, then patch, then ./configure,
then make, and make install.  But I don't know the flags to use with
patch, or where I should run the patch, with respect to the mutt
directory I want to modify.

William GUynes

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