And I heard Mike Schiraldi exclaim:
> just the background, but that sounds like a pretty good idea. We're working
> on redesigning mutt's color system, but it's rather difficult to come up
> with something that's simple in syntax yet powerful enough to do what you
> requested. Plus (hopefully) backwards-compatible.
> -- 
> Mike Schiraldi

I imagine this has already been thought of, but one option would be to simply
let the mono attribute work on top of the color one. Then the desired behavior
from this original posting could be to set the mono to none, and not specify
the color attribute, of the indicator--which would be understood by mutt to
mean 'leave the colors alone, but apply the color attribute "none" on top of

This would also allow using underlining to mark the indicator (which is something
I had asked about in a previous post).

Of course, that may not fit other situations--I don't know. And naturally, no
complaints. Just an idea. Complaints should always be accompanied by patches, eh?

  --Daniel T.

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