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* William Guynes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020208 19:24]:
> Has anyone else had a desire to be able to toggle weed=3Dyes for only
> certain instances of pager, reply, or forward?
> I tend to not want to see all headers normally (having a full screen
> of headers just doesn't entice me to read the message).  But, I tend
> to need them when I report spam using forward.

When I forward a message from the pager and choose to include it inline
instead of as a MIME attachment, the presence of the headers in the
forwarded message is controlled by the current display of headers. I
normally view messages with weed set. If I hit ",f" from the pager, I
get to forward with weeded headers. If I first hit "h" (bound to
display-toggle-weed) then I'll see all the headers, and when I hit ",f"
all the headers show up in the message. Is this not how it works on your
mutt, too, or were you just looking for a one-key solution?

I can give more info about version and configs if it would be useful.


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