On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 09:48:26AM -0800, Will Yardley wrote: > Gary Johnson wrote: > > > > > > Wouldn't fmt do ok? It'll mangle quoted text (which I presume is the > > > advantage of par) but OTOH is already installed. > > > > If you want something already installed and you're using vim, why not > > use vim? It also handles the quoting properly. > > > > map <C-l> gqip}j > > i think the original poster's problem wasn't editing the message, but > viewing it in mutt's internal pager. i suppose (s)he could try editing > the message and reformatting, but that shouldn't really be necessary.
You're right. I was replying to Nick's and Cameron's comments about reformatting in vim, which I assumed Nick was using as his pager, rather than addressing the original question. Sorry for extending the drift. The original problem sounds like something is writing off the end of a 255-character buffer into memory that's not normally used. But sometimes that memory is used and a 0 gets written at the end of the buffer. But that's just a guess. It would be interesting to see an example of a troublesome message. Gary -- Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Spokane, Washington, USA http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ |