William --

...and then William Guynes said...
% I'm trying to get moved over to mutt.  I've had it with Pine roles,
% it's driving me nuts.


% IMAP implementation has me a bit confused.  I have 3 IMAP mailboxes,
% on 3 diferent servers.  If I understand the docs correctly, I can

Good enough.

% switch between them using the 'c' command inside Mutt.  Typing out


% the "imap://<servername>/INBOX" isn't working though.

What version of mutt are you running?  (Run

  mutt -v
at the command line or type 'V' in the index to see.)  If you're in 1.2.x,
you'll need to use


as you note below; the "imap://..." format is a 1.3 development.

% The documentation talks about "commands" available.  They don't
% appear to work in the Muttrc file.  (Assume, for simplicity, it's a
% single user system and I'm making configs in the master Muttrc file)

Actually, you could make changes in your $HOME/.muttrc or your
$HOME/.mutt/muttrc file just as well; there's no need to mess around as
root.  You could even whip up a test /tmp/muttrc and point to it like

  mutt -F /tmp/muttrc ...

to test your changes.

% I've tried both "mailboxes" and "account-hook".  The only thing that
% worked was spoolfile in "{<server>}INBOX" format, but not in
% "imap://<server>/INBOX format".  However, that assumes only one IMAP
% box.

Hmmm...  Yep.  That points to an older version of mutt, I think; we see
that IMAP is working (and that your mutt was buillt with IMAP support).

The mailboxes command should be straightforward and tells mutt where to
look for new mail.  In your case, it would probably look about like

  mailboxes {server}INBOX {server}mailbox1 {server}mailbox2 ...

and it would probably get pretty ugly having to check multiple accounts if
you weren't using a 1.3.x version.  mutt will then let you know whenever
it looks like you have new mail waiting in any of those mailboxes (see
past threads for copious discussion of this design decision :-)

% Can someone straighten me out here?  The documentation talks about
% "initialization files".  These are somehow different than RC files?

No, that's the same thing.

% The Mutt and IMAP document tends to gloss over these details.

REMEMBER THIS.  One thing that mutt needs is improved user documentation.
Unfortunately, the hardest thing for developers and users familiar with
it is to remember what was challenging or get past what is second nature.
Please, please, please take notes of everything that is unclear or needs
work so that it can be fixed up later.  You might even contribute to
the documentation effort!  Oh, yeah -- and we'll try to help you with
this problem as we go :-)

% E.g.
% 1.1  To point mutt to an IMAP mailbox, write your mailbox in IMAP
%      URL format:
%       imap://hostname/mailbox
% Write it?  Write it where?  :)  rc file? (didn't work, maybe was
% using wrong parameter)  initialization file?  commandline?  (didn't
% work with -f)

You could do it on the command line like

 mutt -f {servername}mailbox

or when you change folders with a 'c' like


as you mention above.

% I'm just missing some mental building blocks that the docs don't
% cover.

Right.  In addition to checking your version, let us know where else you
need help and we'll fill in the gaps.

% -- 
% William Guynes


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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