On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 01:03:32PM -0500, Philip Mak wrote:
> So, it makes sense for me to keep my inbox clean so that it only
> contains messages that I still have to "do something" about. Any
> messages that I have finished, I move them into my "done" folder.

I also deal with my mail this way - that's why I've such hook in muttrc:

folder-hook . "bind index d delete-message"
folder-hook . "bind pager d delete-message"
folder-hook mbox "macro index d '<save-message>=archive\n' 'archive message'"
folder-hook mbox "macro pager d '<save-message>=archive\n' 'archive message'"

But I'm not sure is this what are you looking for. If you want to, you
could add 'synchronize' at the end of this macro, but I prefer not to
- I tend to delete sometimes some mail by mistake.



   _.|._ |_  _.  |  Adam Byrtek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (_|||_)| |(_|  |  gg 1802819

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