On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 09:45:19PM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
> I have FreeBSD and redhat 7.2 running on my athalon machine. On the
> redhat os I am using sendmail configured using the install-sendmail 5.5
> script from freshmeat and on the FreeBSD os I have sendmail installed,
> but configured just as it came out of the box. Sending mail to myself
> @yahoo.com works fine (both os's), sending mail to my friend @aol.com
> seems to bounce on both os's.
> Is there something I have to change in my config files to allow my mail
> to get through to aol? I've been using sendmail and linux for the last 2
> years and not had any problem with her address, but now that I think
> about it, other aol mails have bounced.

Since you sent no bounce message examples, this is a WAG.  Configure
sendmail to use a smarthost.  Use your ISP's mail server your smarthost.

You should do this even if this is not the problem when sending to AOL.
There are several ISPs and companies that reject mail sent from dial-up
address space or from addresses that have no reverse DNS.

How to configure a smarthost can be found in the sendmail documentation,
either on your computer or at http:/www.sendmail.org/

Scott Lambert          KC5MLE            Unix SysAdmin -- Looking for work.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.lambertfam.org/~lambert/resume.html
2.5 years Sr. SysAdmin experience with FreeBSD in small & medium size ISPs.
The last 5 months have included exposure to Solaris 7, True64 5, and Linux.

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