David Rock wrote:

> Looks like I found what the problem was. It appears to be related to
> the format of the Maildir folders. What I would do with mbox if I
> didn't have an existing folder was just touch the file I needed.
> Following this logic, I would create a new directory for a Maildir
> that I needed. What I *didn't* do was create the subdirectory
> structure underneath (cur new tmp).
> I created the appropriate subdirs and this fixed everything.

just ommitting the directory should be fine - better to let mutt make it
correctly for you.  if the directory doesn't exist, it will most likely
ask if you want to create it (depending on what options you have set in
your .muttrc regarding creating new folders).

alternatively, if you're using qmail, i think there's a 'maildirmake'
program that comes with it.  i don't use qmail (thank god) but when we
did, we had this program on the machine.


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