On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 12:28:17AM -0600, Jeremy Blosser wrote:
> Probably more to do with mismatched mbox-hooks or something.  Hard to say
> without seeing more of your config.

Here is my full .muttrc as it looks right now (same as when I started this

# source files
source ~/.mutt/aliases

#Header line formatting for reading
ignore *
unignore From:
unignore To:
unignore Subject:
unignore Reply-To:

#Header lines
my_hdr From: David Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
my_hdr Reply-To: David Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

#parameter settings
set mbox_type=Maildir
set pager_index_lines=8
set sort=threads
set folder=~/Mail
set record=~/Mail/sent-mail
set mbox=~/Mail/inbox
set move=ask-yes
set editor=vim 
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases          # Keep aliases in this file.
set mime_forward=yes                    # Forward attachments

subscribe devshed-announce
subscribe linux-parport
subscribe luni
subscribe mutt-announce 
subscribe mutt-users
subscribe palm-dev-forum
subscribe python-web-modules

# mailboxes
mailboxes !
mailboxes =devshed-spool/
mailboxes =parport-spool/
mailboxes =luni-spool/
mailboxes =mutt-spool/
mailboxes =palm-dev-spool/
mailboxes =python-web-spool/
mailboxes =test-spool/
mailboxes =junkmail/

#spool hooks for default read messages
mbox-hook devshed-spool/     =devshed/
mbox-hook parport-spool/     =parport/
mbox-hook luni-spool/        =luni/
mbox-hook mutt-spool/        =mutt/
mbox-hook palm-dev-spool/    =palm-dev/
mbox-hook python-web-spool/  =python-web/
mbox-hook test-spool/        =inbox/

# Color Terminals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# (default, white, black, green, magenta, blue, cyan, yellow, red)

# Default color definitions
color normal     cyan         black
color hdrdefault yellow       black
color quoted     brightred    black 
color quoted1    green        default
color quoted2    brightblue   default
color quoted3    magenta      default
color quoted4    red          default
color quoted5    green        default
color quoted6    brightblue   default
color quoted7    magenta      default
color quoted8    red          default
color quoted9    green        default
color signature  white        black
color indicator  brightwhite  red
color attachment green  black
color error      brightred    black
color search     brightwhite  magenta
color status     brightyellow blue
color tree       red          black
color tilde      green        black
color bold       brightyellow black
color markers    red          black

# Colours for items in the reader
color header brightcyan  black "^Received:"
color header brightwhite black "^(From|Subject):"
color header red         black "^X-Junked-Because:"

# Colours for items in the index
color index blue        black ~N
color index green       black "~N ~x Ossmann"
color index red         black ~F
color index black       green ~T
color index brightwhite black ~D

# Highlights inside the body of a message.
# URLs
color body brightblue  black 
\t\n\r\"<>()]*[^][{} \t\n\r\"<>().,:!])?/?"

# email addresses
color body brightblue  black "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"

# Various smilies and the like
color body green black "<[Gg]>"               # <g>
color body green black "<[Bb][Gg]>"           # <bg>
color body green black " [;:]-*[)>(<|]"       # :-) etc...

David Rock

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