On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 05:49:27PM +0100, Nick Wilson wrote:
> > 2.  I got tired of explaining text-only MUAs to them only to receive
> >     comments like, "I guess Unix isn't very good if it can't even
> >     display different colors and fonts like my PC can.  When are you
> >     guys going to start using Windows?"
> Classic, that's the kind of comment that gets me all raging and frothing
> at the mouth. What do you say to comments like that? There's no point,
> they'll never get it :(

I was doing some great shell magic yesterday when my co-worker came by
and said: "Oh! Linux is a lot like DOS then."

I wanted to strangle her.

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

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